Safety Guidelines

All members of Summit to Sound Search and Rescue should put safety above all else. The smallest safety violation can have a catastrophic result.

If you see anyone doing something in an unsafe manner:

  1. Bring it to the person’s attention; if needed, suggest how to correct the situation (Bringing it to attention may be all you need to do…) 
  2. If you are able to contact the team leader or deputy, inform them of the situation if the operation is not made into a safe operation 
  3. Blow your whistle to stop the operation. The safety violation must be corrected so the activity can resume in a safe manner. True for missions and training

If someone points out a safety suggestion to you, thank them and correct the situation immediately. This is not criticism; it is a “caring watchfulness.”

Safety rules to keep in mind:

  • Always wear appropriate gear for the task. (Helmets, gloves, pfds, boots) 
  • If you have been drinking or have taken drugs which affect your ability to operate effectively in a highess situation, please do not respond to missions or training sessions. Stay home so you can honor the “above all else” mentality by being safe. 
  • All driving should be done in a safe (cautious) and courteous manner. Whether responding or going home or on scene, your diligence keeps your friends and yourself safe while in potentially hazardous situations. The weary searchers getting gear from their trucks and cars appreciate it as much as fellow drivers. 
  • Treat all equipment carefully; it may be your life depending on its working properly. 
  • If you haven’t been trained to use something, have a recognized instructor show you how. (Even if you have something similar to it at home…) 
  • If you wouldn’t do it on a mission, don’t do it in training. 
  • When in doubt, ask. 
  • If you start a task, stay with it until you have been relieved of the task. If you find conditions change and you are unable to complete the task, ask base for assistance. If there is immediate danger, ask anybody who can hear you for help.

If there is a safety situation which you refuse to correct or help to correct, you will be asked to leave the scene. This is equally applied to mission response and training.

​* Summit to Sound is recognized by both the State of Washington and the Internal Revenue Service as a 501c3 non-profit charitable organization.